Frequently Asked Questions
How do I set up the CruciFish?
Easily. As it is delivered pre-assembled, simply connect the CruciFish directly to a cannonball or anywhere you prefer on the downrigger cable. Then, connect your terminal line to the release clip, trailing the naked lure. The best part? You'll only have your lure on the fishing line, no in-line flasher!
What kinds of terminal gear can I use?
The CruciFish works with any type of terminal fishing gear you want. Tackle that imparts its own 'action' can be used directly including spoons, cut-plugs, teaser heads and plugs. Hoochies need something to give them that 'action' so incorporating Jugheads or WiggleFin Action Discs help. Alternatively, feed the fish line between the hoochie eyes instead of the provided hole and it will spin in the water.
Can I 'stack' multiple CruciFish?
Yes. Especially due to the tight configuration, stacking lines is much easier with the CruciFish than the traditional set up.
Does the CruciFish have a lot of drag?
No. These axially spinning style flashers have very little drag.
Can the CruciFish get tangled easily?
No. It can operate at any angle and rotate freely without getting tangled. The flashers cannot reach the center bar or trailing line. As it is a tight configuration, it’s much less prone to tangling than conventional set-ups. The only tangle that has been reported is when the boat came to a full stop with the gear still out, however, that can be said of virtually all trolling set ups.
Can I use my regular flashers with the CruciFish?
No. Regular flashers are designed to rotate in a large corkscrew fashion. Unfortunately, that motion swings the CruciFish uncontrollably.
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